You are owner of a Southeast facing house or living there. There are a lot of things about feng shui of this house what you don’t know. You don’t have a huge budget for the service of the feng shui masters, too. So you should not miss the important information in the new book named “Feng shui for Southeast facing houses”:
The eight forecasts for eight kinds of people live in the Southeast facing houses;
The four auspicious areas and the four inauspicious areas of the Southeast facing houses;
The four ways to disable the poison arrows from outside which directs to the Southeast facing houses;
A lot of rules behave with the five important factors in the interior of the Southeast facing houses;
Two charts of the flying stars for three detailed kind of the Southeast facing houses. The ways how the stars work;
The three secret failures of the Southeast facing houses which need to be avoided;
So you cannot ignore the new book named “”Feng shui for Southeast facing houses” to receive the regret in the future. Take it at here!