What does “Feng Shui” means to Irish people?

Reporter: Trinh Ton

To the readers of Feng shui Framework: you find “Feng shui” compelling? Most of you once or twice wondered about the significance of it on a global scale?

Then, this post is accurately what you are looking for!


Feng shui is an ancient art and science that was formalized over 3,000 years ago in China. In literal translation Feng means “wind” and Shui means “water”. Nowadays, Feng shui is thought to be the art of placement-understanding how the placement of yourself and objects within a space affects your life in various areas of experience. It is a complex body of knowledge that teaches us how to balance and harmonize with the energies in any given space-be it a home, office, or garden. It aims to assure good fortune for the people inhabiting a space. Although regarded by some in the scientific community as a pseudo-science, needless to say, feng shui has had an impact on the aesthetics of interior design and the architectural layout of living and working spaces in its native Eastern. Notwithstanding, what does Feng Shui mean to Western cultures, especially Irish one?


By living and studying in Dublin – the capital and largest city of Ireland, I have interviewed 4 Irish people to get their point of views.(However, I only wrote down two of the four because their answers are quite similar)

Let’s get through it!

Miss Medbh Dolan

17 years old

Interview questions:

+ Where are you from? How long have you lived in Ireland so far?

– My motherland is Ireland and has lived here since I was born.

+ Do you have any ideas of “Feng Shui”?

– Sorry, I don’t know what Feng Shui is (after showing a short video about “Feng shui” to help her have some basic knowledge about it, we move to the next question.)

+ As an Irish, do you believe in Feng Shui? If yes, could you give one example in your everyday life which proves your belief? If not, why, whether you somehow unconsciously believe in it?

– Yes, I believe in these things. Hmmm, is staying away from number 13 count? Because it symbolises bad luck and many hotels or tall buildings’ elevators around Ireland skips that whenever they number floors.

+ Do you consider this as a superstition?

– I won’t say it is a superstition but I definitely say it is a belief.

+ Would you share this ancient art with everyone that you know?

– Sure, I will share this to some of my friends.

(Thank you)


Mr Kilduff

26 years old

+ Where are you from? How long have you lived in Ireland so far?

– I was born in Dublin and live here up to now.

+ Do y0u have any ideas of “Feng Shui”?

– Hmm, I have heard about it before but I’m not quite sure. Is that an art of displacement?

=> Yes, you could say so, maybe this video will help you to have a clearer view.

+ As an Irish, do you believe in Feng Shui? If yes, could you give one example in your everyday life which proves your belief? If not, why, whether you somehow unconsciously believe in it?

– Because I don’t know it properly, so I can’t 100% believe it.  Furthermore, I’m not truly into spiritual things and Feng shui isn’t common in Ireland (in my opinion). At least, I still spend some time at the weekend on mind consciousness.

+ Do you consider this as a superstition?

– As I said, I know nothing about this kind of stuff so it’s a little bit hard for me to judge it. If I gained more, I would properly say no.

+ Would you share this ancient art with everyone that you know?

– Certainly, I’d love to.

(Thank you)

On the whole, while Feng shui is widespread in Asian countries, it is relatively new to Irish people.They can not get the idea of “Qi” and how Feng shui actually works in reality. Anyway, we were affected by Westerners then somewhat regard number 13 or Friday the 13th as a bad luck and number 7 as a good luck.

If you all are an Irish reading this article and interested in it,why don’t you get a feng shui book from this website for more information? Feng Shui Framework is waiting for you!


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