The book named “Feng shui for South West facing houses” is the seventh book in a book set which includes eight books about feng shui for the houses of eight basic directions. Eighth book will soon be released. So this book set contains the full feng shui intellectuality to perfect for all of house faces. You can choose the new book named “Feng shui for North West facing houses” or one of another books which fits your house face.
If you are owner of a North West facing house or living there; You don’t have a huge budget for the service of the feng shui masters, too; So you should not miss the important information in the new book named “Feng shui for North West facing houses”:
* The eight forecasts for eight kinds of people live in the North West facing houses; * The four auspicious areas and the four inauspicious areas of the North West facing houses; * The four ways to disable the poison arrows from outside which directs to the North West facing houses; * A lot of rules behave with the five important factors in the interior of the North West facing houses; * Two charts of the flying stars for three detailed kind of the North West facing houses. The ways how the stars work; * Three secret failures of the North West facing houses which need to be avoided;
It is utilized from the most basic knowledge and the guarded secrets ideas of the Chinese metaphysics for many centuries. Go to Shopto find out it!